Best Rate Guarantee

You deserve peace of mind when you’re making travel plans, which is why we have the Sandman Best Rate Guarantee. When you book with us directly, we promise you are always getting the best price. Make your reservation online or by calling 1-800-SANDMAN (726-3626).

Flexible Cancellations

In addition to our Best Rate Guarantee, your reservation is protected by our flexible cancellation policies–where most reservations can be changed or cancelled at no charge up to 24 hours before the scheduled check-in date. It’s one of the ways that we want to thank you for your continued loyalty and the trust you have in us as a hotel partner.

Existing Reservations

To make or adjust a reservation that was made through Sandman Hotel Group’s website or by telephone, please email our Central Reservations Team by emailing To amend bookings made through an Online Travel Agency, such as Tripadvisor or Expedia, please contact them directly for assistance. We look forward to having you stay with us soon.