Sandman and Signature hotels in Canada are proud to participate in the Hotel Association of Canada’s Green Key Program.
The Green Key program is a graduated rating system designed to recognize hotels, motels, and resorts that are committed to improving their fiscal and environmental performance. Participating Canadian Sandman and Signature hotels continue to make Green modifications in the way they operate their hotels including energy conservation, water conservation and indoor air quality – to name a few. From in-room recycling to less frequent linen changes for long-term stays, guest participation is an important part in the success of maintaining a Green Key recognized hotel. The Hotel Association of Canada Green Key program designates a 1 – 5 Key rating for hotels. Visit the Green Key Eco-Rating website for more information on the Green Key program, as well as a description of Key Ratings.
The Sandman Hotel Group is proud to support this program and to continue to take significant steps to protect the environment. Together with our guests, we can unlock the possibilities for a greener hotel and a healthier planet.